The Sangora Education Foundation

The Sangora Education Foundation was established in 1991 to promote excellence in education, better understanding and cooperation between the people of Australia and those of other countries through education and learning, and opportunities for the study of society and culture through the provision of grants, awards and scholarships. I would like to thank the Sangora Education Foundation for awarding me the Language Teachers Award 2015. Lola Jones

Monday 2 November 2015

Kanien’kehá:ka Language and Cultural Center, Mohawk Territory.

The Language and Cultural Center was created in  1978 to preserve and enrich the language and culture of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) of Kahnawà:ke. The center is located in the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke south of Montreal, Canada.
The Korkahnawake centre provides a focus for language and culture in the community and a dedicated team provide and support a wide range of programs and initiatives such as:
Exhibition and museum,  library,  photo archive;
Adult language immersion - a two year full time course, curriculum resource coordinator, beginner language classes, annual language gathering and workshops sharing best practise, dictionary production, language nest;
Elders’ Leo and Joe’s All Kanien’kéha Language Radio Talk Show, KORLCC’s Radio Talk Show, Kahnawake K103.7 FM, animated puppet show that is filmed and  broadcast; Community art exhibitions, annual variety show, guest speakers in schools, film festival, April cultural awareness month.
I had a very enlightening day with some of the team at Korkahnawake and will post more details of some initiatives.

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