The Sangora Education Foundation

The Sangora Education Foundation was established in 1991 to promote excellence in education, better understanding and cooperation between the people of Australia and those of other countries through education and learning, and opportunities for the study of society and culture through the provision of grants, awards and scholarships. I would like to thank the Sangora Education Foundation for awarding me the Language Teachers Award 2015. Lola Jones

Saturday, 24 October 2015


McGill University,  Montreal, Quebec

Today I heard the story of a partnership between McGill University Linguistics Department and Listuguj community that is a great illustration of what can happen when people and organisations work with Indigenous people - respectful relationships can lead to great partnerships that are win-win situations.
Jessica was teaching a unit in field linguistics and needed a language speaker for elicitation. Janine, the Mi'gmaq language speaker and educator, who undertook the role requested information be returned to the community as part of the unit. A partnership grew from this that led to undergraduate students presenting information from the unit to the community in Listuguj. Some students were invited to live with the community over the summer and learn language in the community with adult learners, at the same time sharing information with other learners and teachers.
The partnership has continued to grow. There is now an online presence for Migmag with a Migmaq online dictionary, language quizz, wiki and blog.

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