The Sangora Education Foundation

The Sangora Education Foundation was established in 1991 to promote excellence in education, better understanding and cooperation between the people of Australia and those of other countries through education and learning, and opportunities for the study of society and culture through the provision of grants, awards and scholarships. I would like to thank the Sangora Education Foundation for awarding me the Language Teachers Award 2015. Lola Jones

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Wsanec School Board - Lau-welew School

ȽLÁU, WELEW̱ Tribal School  “Our mission is to work in a life-long partnership with the Saanich People to assure the continuing use of the SENĆOŦEN Language and the maintenance of the cultural identity of our Nation while giving students the knowledge, skills and attitudes as citizens to enable them to successfully meet the social economic and political challenges of life."ȽÁU, WELEW̱ Tribal School Mission Statement
Language Revitalization
These are my notes - apologies for any inaccuracies.
Starting about 2006 Language revitalization grew out of an unaccredited Homelands Learning Course - learning on country with elders. From this course the interest in language grew with a new focus. The course changed to incorporate language and grew organically having more elders involved and a group of younger adult language learners. 2006-2009

The University of Victoria partnered with the community and young adults from this group have now completed their Bachelor of Education Indigenous Language Revitalization. There are now 4+ language teachers teaching at the Ƚláu, welṉew̱ Tribal School. 

The Lau,welnew Elementary now has Senćoŧen language immersion classes from kindergarten to year 3. The language team translates all curriculum materials into language. On the same campus there is also a Cultural Centre, High School and Adult Education Centre. Adult language classes.

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